Influencing Policy
Systemic inequities and inadequate support structures have rendered K-12 education an unreliable pathway for social mobility for many communities of color.
These inequities create profound barriers—restricted access to quality education, stable employment, affordable healthcare, safe and affordable housing, nutritious food, and reliable childcare—that obstruct opportunities for long-term success and generational advancement.
Policymakers, educators, and civic leaders must collaborate on cross-sector solutions to dismantle the systemic racism that hinders the economic success of communities of color.
When united, these sectors have the power to transform K-12 education and end generational poverty once and for all, so that young people of color can continue to thrive.
EdLoC champions policies that benefit all students, ensuring they have access to safe, supportive school and community environments that reflect and serve the communities they call home. By focusing on initiatives that ensure families earn more, build wealth, and are cared for, we are creating pathways for young people of color to achieve lasting economic mobility and live successful lives.
While our focus will adapt to strategically meet the moment and the evolving needs of our communities, the priorities in our Policy Agenda provide the foundation that grounds our advocacy efforts.
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EdLoC Policy Council Members
Vanessa Aramayo
Executive Director, Alliance for a Better Community
Dr. Travis J. Bristol
Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Donnell Butler
Founder & President, Opportunity College
Dr. Marla M. Dean
Founder and Chief Learning Officer, Dean’s List Consulting
Anpao Duta Flying Earth
Executive Director, NACA Inspired Schools Network
Crystal Gonzales
Executive Director, English Learners Success Forum
Danielle Gonzales M.
Education and Nonprofit Leader
Natalie Gordon
Chief Schools Officer, Attuned Education Partners
Dr. Robert S. Harvey
President, FoodCorps
Jin-Soo Huh
Partner, The Learning Accelerator
Dr. Peter T. Keo
CEO, Rapid Research Evaluation
Kat Ling
CEO, Moonshot edVentures
Rasheed Meadows
Founder and CEO, Rasheed Meadows & Associates LLC
Dr. Phelton C. Moss
Senior Policy Advisor & Senior Professorial Lecturer of Education Policy, U.S. House of Representatives & American University
Mildred Otero
Senior Vice President, Leadership for Educational Equity
Sonia Park C.
Executive Director, Diverse Charter Schools Coalition
Archana Patel
Principal Consultant, Archana Patel Advising
Antonio Placencia
Engagement Officer, Los Angeles Unified School District
Dr. Ana Ponce
Executive Director, GPSN
Marvin Smith
Chief Public Affairs Officer, AERDF
Dr. Paris Woods
Chief Program Officer, StriveTogether
Shantelle Wright
Senior Vice President, Regional Field Executive, Teach for America
On March 15, 2023, EdLoC signed onto a statement of support letter led by Share Our Strength, Food Research and Action Center, Feeding America, and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in support of strengthening the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) during Farm Bill deliberations. Nearly 225 national organizations and farm bill stakeholders signed onto this important SNAP Statement of Support. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Stabenow (D-MI) entered the letter into the hearing record of the Senate Agriculture Committee on March 9th.